
Is It Possible to Sell a Home in Divorce Proceedings?

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Do you find yourself in a difficult situation where you need to sell a home in divorce proceedings?

This is an unenviable position, but KC Property Guys can help you address the problem by facilitating a cash sale as fast as possible. Cash home buying works very well in scenarios like these, where you don’t want to spend months trying to sell a house with an estranged spouse.

Basics on How to Sell a Home in Divorce Settlements

Ultimately, as part of the divorce proceedings, divorced couples have to split up assets, which includes their house if they own one. When there are irreconcilable circumstances, the judge for the divorce proceedings will ask them to sell the house, but typically you must have a judgment set first. There are a couple different ways to accomplish this.

Sometimes we get inspection requests from clients who are either a) considering a divorce soon, or b) are already post-divorce and want to sell the property. After a divorce settlement, it’s much easier to sell the house quicker because you don’t have to go through a judge to finish the proceedings and approve asset sales.

How to Sell a Home in Divorce Proceedings (During vs. After)

If you still want to sell during divorce proceedings, the process is the same in both Kansas and Missouri. It will sometimes require an appraisal and the sale usually has to go through the judge. That’s mostly to make sure that the asking price is close enough to the retail market rate (within a certain range of it).

If it’s after the divorce judgment, then the couple has the option to decide on their own. We work with them and our closing companies to buy the house. Then on the closing date, we can actually wire the equity to two different bank accounts, whichever way the divorced couple intends to share the proceeds.

So, we can handle this either before or after divorce. It’s just a matter of how many steps are involved.

Advantages of Going the Cash Sales Route

What’s the difference between selling to a cash buyer versus selling through a realtor?

A cash buyer and traditional realtor are both options for handling post-divorce home sales, but there are advantages to using our approach. We can set the closing date to whatever you prefer, which gives you plenty of time to figure out the moving-out logistics and other concerns.

One spouse can live in the house for a little while if they want. We can even work with you on handling belongings, or you can leave everything there and wait for an estate sale or auction. These are all options you don’t get with a realtor who will require you to have the house empty, set a drop-dead date or deadline, and many other constraints.

Plus, with a cash offer through KC Property Guys, there’s no ambiguity or indefinite timelines. Once you’ve sold the house, you’re done and can press on with life. If you’d like more help on this important topic, you can check out this article covering even more advice on how to sell a house after a divorce.

Get a Fast Resolution to Any Home Sale with KC Property Guys

One of the best perks of selling an unwanted house to a cash buyer is that it resolves emotionally taxing events like divorce, pending foreclosures, and even bankruptcy. If you face problems like these and want to part with a home, we can help you expediently, and with a decent offer.

Many homeowners around Kansas City have already done this with us and have walked away with much more peace of mind. That’s why we have a perfect 5-star customer evaluation profile on Google Reviews. Everything we do follows both Kansas and Missouri regulations just like any other real-estate company.

Contact KC Property Guys soon to learn more on how to sell a home in divorce situations.


Eric Scheele

Owner & CEO