
What Are My Next Steps for Selling My Home Now?

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We get several calls from clients wanting to know about “selling my home now.” These are the folks who know they want to sell without enduring the lengthy hassle of selling with a normal realtor.

KC Property Guys has a simple and flexible process that facilitates everything. It’s easy to sell your property much faster when you work with qualified home buyers like us.

First Step to Selling My Home Now – Initial Consultation

Once you decide to sell your home, the next step is to make a phone call to KC Property Guys to explore your options. We always like to start things with a free, no-pressure phone consultation where we focus on your concerns, pain points, and goals as a seller. We’ve done this many times with hundreds of properties all throughout the KC metro area.

During the consultation phase, we also show you what we can do, show you some of our resources, and how we help clients address many home-selling obstacles. Our goal is to make the transaction as seamless, painless, and smooth as possible. This, of course, includes making an offer that everybody considers fair and worthwhile; the proverbial win-win scenario.

Selling My Home Now – Walkthrough, Timelines, & Possessions

Then we meet with you to walk through the house, which takes about 30 minutes. That lets us go over expectations, discuss repair costs, and focus on the relevant variables specific to your home.

Here’s where we need to go over several important questions:

  • What’s your timetable?
  • Do you want to stay in the house?
  • Would you like to sell the possessions or leave them behind?

KC Property Guys has plenty of solutions to these concerns. Many of our clients remain in the home with a flexible closing date. Some prefer to let us sell their old possessions or put them up for auction (especially when selling for a deceased relative).

We can even help you find a new home with some of the realtors we use regularly. Plus, we’ll set the closing time to coincide with your arrival at a new residence. The bottom line is that selling to a cash buyer is all about flexibility, options, efficiency, and way less hassle than traditional selling avenues.

Extra Benefits to Selling to a Cash Buyer

Why else do so many folks call us to help sell their home?

There are a plethora of advantages, but here are the most popular benefits of selling a home without a realtor.

  • You can save lots of money rather than blow it on realtor fees and hidden costs.
  • Unless you work with a legitimate cash buyer, like KC Property Guys, the days of selling a home in one day are long gone.
  • This method allows you to skip all middlemen.
    • CAVEAT: make sure you hire a reputable buyer, or else you risk getting worse treatment with a wholesaler.
  • We offer a much more streamlined approach to selling a home during a crisis, including divorce, foreclosure, lots of maintenance issues, and more.

KC Property Guys: The Best Cash Buyer in Kansas City

So, if you’re ready to skip the exhausting realtor process and expedite your home sale, then we’re the ones you need. KC Property Guys has helped hundreds of homeowners meet their goals all around Kansas City.

How do you know we’re reliable home buyers?

Well, don’t take our word for anything. Instead, check out the dozens of five-star reviews we’ve gotten, our positive standing with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and several other accolades.

“Selling my home now” is a piece of cake with the right buyer, so contact us soon to learn more about our outstanding process.


Eric Scheele

Owner & CEO